Thursday, November 29, 2012

Surgeries performed by General Surgery Doctors

In certain cases, the drugs and medication fails to treat some chronic diseases and disorders. In such a case, surgery is recommended by the healthcare specialist, which is performed by the general surgeons to get relief from the illness, disease and problems related to upper abdominal pain. General Surgery is a surgical speciality dealing with abdominal contents including stomach, esophagus, colon, small bowel, pancreas, liver, bile duct, and gallbladder. Invasive methods are also used by the general surgery doctors to treat the diseases related to skin, breast and hernias.


General surgeons are specialized in -

Trauma surgery - Some emergency trauma cases requires surgery, performed by the general surgeons.

Colorectal surgery - Variety of minor and major types of colon and rectal diseases such as inflammatory bowel diseases including Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, hemorrhoids, gastrointestinal bleeding, diverticulitis, and colon and rectal cancer are treated with surgery.

Laparoscopic surgery - Minimal invasive techniques are used to remove appendices, gallbladders and colon. Hernias are also treated with laparoscopic surgery. 

Breast surgery - Breast tumor that occurs from breast tissue, most probably from the inner lining of the milk ducts are removed with invasive method.

Endocrine surgery - General surgeons perform the surgery to remove all or part of thyroid and parathyroid glands in neck and adrenal glands (above each kidney on abdomen).

Vascular surgery - This surgery is performed by the general surgery doctors is they have received special training in it. Vascular surgery is done to treat minor vascular disorders.

Dermatological surgery - Several skin-related surgeries are performed by the general surgeons to removes tumours that grow just below the skin or arise in muscle or other soft tissues. General surgery doctors also treat some complex infections of skin.

Several surgeries are performed by the general surgery doctors to treat various types of diseases, illnesses and disorders and other causes of upper abdominal pain. When medication fails to cure the certain diseases, healthcare specialists recommends for the surgery.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

World Polio Day - Battle Against Polio

Polio - a serious disease that can negatively affect the health of a child and makes him physically challenged. But you can save your child from this chronic disease. If your child is vaccinated for polio, his/her rest of life won’t be threatened by polio. Every year several polio campaigns are held worldwide to give the children oral polio vaccine.

World Polio Day is an effort to eradicate polio completely from the world. With the great efforts, now polio is on verge of an end. But if the disease is not completed eradicated, it can affect more than 10 million children worldwide in coming 40 years. World Polio Day spreads awareness across the globe about the worse consequences of polio, which can paralyze a child.

World Polio Day 2012

Polio eradication partners from every corner of the world will be marking 24 October as World Polio Day. They take an opportunity to eradicate the poliovirus in the remaining endemic countries such as Afghanistan, Nigeria and Pakistan. The cause is powered by the World Health Assembly and implemented through national emergency programs.

Why is polio vaccination important?

One might think what is the need of the polio vaccination? You will be surprised to know that polio is highly contagious and polio virus can be easily transmitted. If polio-affected child travels to polio-free country, polio can reoccur in that country and again children will be at higher risk of polio.

So whenever campaigns for polio vaccinations are held, take your child for the oral polio vaccinations. Just few drops - and you can save your child from being paralyzed.

Polio is preventable disease; don’t let your child be paralysed. World Polio Day is a critical step to encourage the people to protect children from polio - by getting them polio vaccination.

medecure urges to give your child polio vaccination so that he is protected against polio for rest of his life.  If your child is less than 5 years, take your child to the polio booth for the vaccination.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Love your Bones - World Osteoporosis Day

Osteoporosis literally means ‘porous bone’ is a medical condition, in which bones become weak and thin. Such a condition increases the risk of fracture in bone. Hip and spine are the most common areas of fracture associated with osteoporosis, accounting for more than 80% of all fractures.

Osteoporosis is a global health problem which mainly occurs without any signs and symptoms. It is considered as the “silent epidemic”; therefore, some efforts are to be made to aware the people about the prevention and causes of the disease. World Osteoporosis Day is celebrated on 20 October annually. The campaign aims to educate and aware the people about the disease, so that people can take effective measures to prevent osteoporosis.

The lifetime chances of osteoporosis in men are 13% and in women it is 30-40%. A person is at higher risk of the disease if he has poor eating habits and due to lack of exercise. But if some lifestyle changes and dietary changes are made, the risk of osteoporosis can be decreased.

Effective ways to prevent osteoporosis

The risk of osteoporosis can be reduced by taking some steps to improve and maintain a good health of the bones. To strengthen the bones you should -

Eat a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D - Consuming adequate nutrients is essential for the healthy bones. Upload your diet rich in Calcium and Vitamin D to make your bones strong and healthy. Good sources of calcium are low-fat milk, yogurt, cereals, breads, and orange juice. Ask a doctor for the supplements of vitamin D.

Exercise – It is another best way to reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Exercise is very beneficial in making the bones strong. Strengthen your bones by involving in some physical activities like walking, jogging, hiking, climbing stairs, dancing, and playing tennis.
Apart from above you can also decrease the risk of osteoporosis by adopting healthy lifestyle such as
  • Quit smoking
  • Limit alcohol intake
So this year on the occasion of World Osteoporosis Day, make a strong will that you will do every effort to win the battle against osteoporosis. Eat healthy food rich in calcium and involve more in exercise to make you bones strong.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Having a look at various Breast Cancer Treatment

One of the leading types of cancer in women is the breast cancer. Many women worldwide die due to breast cancer. Though with so much advancement in the medical field still there has not been a proper cure for this condition. The entire world celebrates the October month as the breast cancer awareness month and tries to promote awareness and hence bring down the incidence of breast cancer.

Celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness Month
There are many treatments available which have proved helpful. These treatments have been able to bring down the mortality rate among women. Let us now have a look at the various breast cancer treatments developed over a period of time.

There have been some recent advancement in the breast cancer category and the doctors have been able to develop such therapies which target and attack those substances which trigger breast cancer cells. The targeted therapies include :

  • Trastuzumab (Herceptin) : this drug targets those cells which are dependent on Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2 (HER2). This drug blocks the effects of HER2 on cancer cells. This limits the growth of breast cancer. All those breast cancer patients who have got tumors respond well to this medication in combination with chemotherapy.
  • Lapatinib (Tykerb) : this drug has same effect as that of Trastuzumab and interferes with HER2 protein signals
  • Bevacizuamb (Avastin) : this drug interferes with cancer’s blood supply thus restricting the growth of breast cancer. It shuts down new blood vessel formation around the cancer.
Other treatment options available :
  • Intra operative Radiation Therapy : This is advancement over the radiation therapy in which the therapy is done after a woman has undergone surgery to remove breast (after some days of undergoing surgery) but what happens in intra operative radiation, the therapy is given to the woman right after the operation in the operation theater. This way it saves both time and all procedure is done at one go. Such a therapy is not recommended for pregnant women because it is known to increase the risk of birth defects in the baby. In such a condition the doctor suggests lumpectomy and radiation therapy.
  • Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy : in this procedure the doctors try to locate the lymph node where the breast cancer is most likely to spread. This is done using a dye or a radioactive substance. The doctor would remove that lymph node and would examine it. If there is no cancerous tissue in that lump, then there is no need to remove other lymph nodes from the patient’s breast.
  • High dose Chemotherapy followed by Stem cell transplant : this method is still under much debate as many doctors have found that those women who have received high dose chemo reported high mortality then women who received standard chemo therapy. Also the side effects associated with chemotherapy are very much debated.
Treatment for such breast cancer which comes back : such a cancer which comes back after treatment it s called recurrence. The recurrence could be local or distant. When the cancer comes back in the same breast or near the mastectomy scar this is local recurrence. If the cancer is farther it is distant recurrence. But if a cancer is found in the other breast, it is not recurrence and would require its own treatment.

Treatment for Local Recurrence :  The treatment would depend upon the earlier treatment. If earlier breast conserving therapy was used, then now mastectomy would be used. But if the first treatment was mastectomy, then radiation therapy could be used. The doctor would make sure that the woman has not undergone radiation therapy earlier. In such a case hormone therapy, chemo or a combination of available treatment would be done.

Treatment for Distant Recurrence : when the cancer spreads beyond the breast and lymph to other parts of the body then it is treated with systematic therapy. Again combinations of available treatments are used to cure such condition.

These treatments are available but would be of no use unless and until you get the screening done. So go for the breast cancer screening this October and pledge it to eliminate it from the world. medecure is with you in this endeavor.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Why Visiting an Eye Specialist is necessary?

Why visit an eye specialist when my vision is proper? This is the common statement which we all make at different point of time in our lives. Not only for eye specialty rather any doctor for any specialty. We all have heard that prevention is better than cure a million times but this saying has remained confined only to books. We have failed to implement them in real life as far as health care is concerned. Until and unless our condition deteriorates to worse only then we consider going for a consultation with the doctor. We even become doctors ourselves and start taking self medication which many a times prove fatal.

Eye exams are not only for those who have poor vision rather they are a very important and precautionary measure to detect certain eye infections and diseases even before the symptoms show up. Many of you might not even know that an ophthalmologist just by looking at your eyes would be able to tell you that you might suffer from diabetes. This is just an example of diabetes; there are various health problems which could be detected through a simple eye examination.

This Oct 13, 2012 world over would be celebrated as World Sight Day. Various NGOs would be running eye camps which would be offering free eye checking service and even free consultation session with the ophthalmologist. But our callous attitude would stop us from going there. Medecure urges all the people to shun such thoughts and get your eyes checked.

If you miss such free eye check up camps, do not hesitate to visit an eye doctor. Such sessions would prove to be fruitful and even if there is some problem you along with your ophthalmologist would be able to control and eliminate it well before time. Now when you have understood the importance of such eye tests you could make other people aware as well. Spread the word and contribute to the welfare of the society. Make this society a better place to live.

Medecure prays to the almighty that all stay healthy and blessed!!

Monday, October 8, 2012

What all is done on World Mental Health Day?

This year World Mental Health Day would be celebrated on 10th Oct worldwide. Some of you might even wonder that why we celebrate mental health day. To many people the word mental has a different meaning which means that the person is insane, crazy or foolish. But mental health is equally important as Physical health. The general definition of health even says, Health is a state of physical and mental well being. Physical health is well taken care off but much less or say nothing is done to make mental health better.

What is Mental Health and what all the World Health Organization does on the World Health Day?

WHO defines Mental health as," not just the absence of mental disorder. A state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community ".

This year the World Mental Health Day would be celebrated with the theme," Depression: A Global Crisis ". More than 350 million people are affected globally by depression and what is surprising to note is that now the number of children facing depression is increasing. What surprises medecure is that in the year 2004 unipolar depressive disorders were ranked as the third leading cause of the global burden of the disease as per the report generated by World Health Organization?

But let us focus on what would be done this year is to promote the message that it is easy to overcome mental health issues and depression is treatable. The governments and civil society worldwide would be engaged in activities through which people could be made aware. The people could be educated that they should not ignore the early signs of depression. They should not feel low and confide these signs to themselves rather they should seek the help of their family members, friends and colleagues and if required even consult a psychologist or psychiatrist.

Medecure appreciates the efforts and the pains taken up by World Federation of Mental Health (WFMH) to make people aware about maintaining good mental health.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Healthy Heart and Healthy Life

An estimated, more than 17 million people die of CVDs (cardiovascular disease) every year worldwide - World Health Organization (WHO)

Celebrate World Heart Day on 29-Sep-12
Do you know why the number is so high and also increasing every year? It’s just because of your lifestyle and eating habits. Physical inactivity and unhealthy diet increases the risk of heart disease. You are inviting the heart disease if you are consuming tobacco or smoking.

Aim of World Heart Day :

World Heart Day is celebrated every year to aware people about CVD prevention methods. It is organized by the World Heart Federation to help realize the people that heart disease can be prevented. World Heart Day celebration aims to spread information on the risk factors of heart disease, so that people can work on it to reduce the chances of CVD. 80% of premature deaths due to heart disease can be avoided by controlling the risk factors such as smoking, physical inactivity and unhealthy diet.

World Heart Day 2012 :

In 2012, the theme for celebrating World Heart Day is “One World, One Home, One Heart”. It will be celebrated on 29th September. Through the campaign, World Heart Federation will urge the people to become proactive for reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke. Efforts are made to aware people about the life-threatening complications of heart disease and prevent them by controlling the main risk factors including
  • Smoking
  • Tobacco
  • Unhealthy diet
  • Physical inactivity 
People are suggested to prefer for healthy dietary choices and avoiding tobacco and smoking. They are asked to exercise for at least 30 minutes to burn the calories and avoid stressful situations to reduce the risk of heart problems.

supports the celebrations of World Heart Day and join hands to educate people to reduce the chances of life-threatening CVDs and stroke.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Facts you should know about Rabies

Rabies is a global disease and every year around 55000 deaths of humans and animals are reported worldwide.
  • The virus of rabies affects the central nervous system, causes swelling of the brain and if untreated could result in convulsions and respiratory failure and eventually death
  • The virus enters the body through the bite of infected animals. Lyssavirus rabies is the virus responsible for rabies spread
  • Saliva of infected animal also increases the risk for contracting rabies
  • Though dogs are the main carrier of the deadly disease other animals like bats, foxes, skunks, raccoons, wolves might transfer the virus as well
  • High risk groups are veterinarians, animal caretakers, and to some extent laboratory workers working or researching on rabies. Travellers visiting areas for extended periods where rabies is prevalent are also at high risk. It is advisable that they get rabies shot before visiting such areas.
  • Some common symptoms and signs in humans are : itching or pin like pricking feeling in the infected area followed with fever, headache, anxiety, drooling, delirium, convulsions, hallucinations, insomnia, muscle spasms, swallowing difficulty, numbness or tingling in the infected area
  • Some common symptoms in animals: full or partial paralysis, strange behaviour, eating non food items, experience loss of appetite, change in voice, restless or aggressive
  • 12 to 48 hours ; this should be the ideal treatment time for a person exposed to rabies for best outcome
  • Treatment for rabies involves vaccination and administration for rabies immune globulin.
  • After receiving the first vaccine shot, the next should be give on third, seven, and 14 and if required after 28 days of getting the first shot.
  • Though completely preventable, if one does not receive complete or incomplete treatment, he would surely die because of the failure of the central nervous system
  • Rabies could be prevented with timely government run animal vaccination and by avoiding contact with rabid animals
Medecure urges you all to take these facts seriously and take every step to educate and make people aware about this deadly disease.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Common problems of Digestive System

Have you experienced any kind of problem associated with digestive system? Consult the gastroenterologists. They are specialized in treating and diagnosing the several types of digestive disorders. Some people ignore the symptoms of disorders and problems of digestive tract, as the symptoms come and go. But if the signs and symptoms occur more frequently, take it seriously and consult the digestive system specialists.
Gastroenterology physician have received special training in dealing with diseases and disorders related to organs of digestive system including pancreas, liver, gallbladder, stomach, and oesophagus. They focus on the treatment of the health problems such as -

Oesophageal disease
  • Barrett’s oesophagus – The condition occurs when lining of the oesophagus is damaged and leads to inflammation of oesophagus.
  • GERD – A condition in which stomach content leak back or reflux into the oesophagus because muscles at the end of oesophagus does not close properly. As the content is composed of strong acids, it can irritate the oesophagus and can damage it.
  • Dysphagia – It is a swallowing disorder, in which patient has difficulty in swallowing. It is caused when muscles of throat and oesophagus get squeezed.

Stomach diseases
  • Ulcer – It refers to an abrasion in the lining of the stomach.
  • Cyclic vomiting syndrome – This medical condition leads to bout of severe nausea and vomiting, which can last for days. Medications are prescribed by the digestive system specialists (gastroenterologists) to treat the problem. Healthcare Specialists may suggest to get hospitalized for intravenous fluids to prevent dehydration.

Gastrointestinal (GI) disorders
  • Diarrhea – Frequent bowel movement or uncontrolled bowl movement is diarrhea. Visit the digestive system specialist as diarrhea can cause dehydration, which if left untreated can be fatal. Rush to gastroenterologist to prevent any complications.
  • Gas – Indigestion results in formation of too much gas. Consult the gastroenterologists if you are passing gas too many times.
  • Motility disorders – Motility refers contraction of muscles to allow food to travel through digestive tract. When this contraction is abnormal, it is known as motility disorder.

Bowel disorders
  • Crohn’s disease – It is caused due to inflammation in lining of the digestive tract.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome – It is a disorder that affects the large intestine (colon). Some uncomfortable symptoms such as bloating, abdominal pain, constipation are developed in irritable bowel syndrome
  • Ulcerative colitis – It is an inflammatory bowel disease causing inflammation in part of a digestive tract. Gastroenterology physician prescribes the medication to reduce the inflammation, but if the condition is severe, surgery may be required.
  • Nutritional disorder – Such type of disorder is developed when body cannot digest nutrients.

If you experience any of the symptoms of digestive system disorders and disease, do not take it lightly. Consult gastroenterology physician for the treatment.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Say Yes to Life and No to Suicide!

Medecure since its inception has been a firm believer that this world is meant to be lived and that too without any illness or disease. Every year 10th September is celebrated worldwide as World Suicide Prevention day. But here one thing comes to my mind that what is the need for celebrating such a day? Is the suicide figures so alarming? To my and your surprise suicide is the 13th leading cause of deaths worldwide. As per WHO reports, every year around 3000 people commit suicide which comes to a suicide every 40 seconds. The statistics is indeed shocking!!!

What we believe is that everyone loves life then what happens that people end up their lives. Depression, suffering from any deadly disease or disorder, repeated failure in love or career, a feeling of guilt is believed to be some of the reasons. A person who decides to end up his lives develops a feeling that he is a burden on others and if he ends up his life; he would free those loved ones from sufferings and pain. But what he fails to understand that his loved ones love him, they care for him and it would do more harm than good if he ends up his life abruptly.

Medecure calls upon to shun all such beliefs and ideas and love this life. When you do not have any control over giving life then who gives you the authority to end it up on your own. Come this 10th September and take a pledge that we would say yes to life and no to suicide!!!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Family Doctors a Healthy Life Guide

Each one of has a family doctor, who take care of you and your family members. They are well aware about the family’s health history including mental and physical health. Family physicians maintain caring relations with their patients and help them to make the most suitable choice for health care decisions. They are specialized in providing healthcare for acute and chronic diseases and illnesses and focuses on the methods to prevent the diseases.

Family doctors have received a special training in all areas of medicines and can diagnose and treat variety of symptoms and problems. He provides comprehensive health care to patients of all ages such as continuous care for chronic and acute diseases and illnesses and also lays emphasis on disease prevention.

Apart from treating the disease, general practitioners also provide preventive care, which includes
  • Routine checkups
  • Screening tests
  • Immunization
  • Health risk assessments

Family doctors play an important role in leading a healthy lifestyle. They give suggestions on how to make healthy lifestyle choices and healthy diet to maintain a good health. If you are suffering from any kind of disease, general practitioner who is your family doctor will make a diet chart for you and suggest precautions to be taken for the speedy recovery.

Why does one need a family doctor?
Prevention is better than cure”, your family doctors have significant role in protecting you and your family from any kind of diseases, which can be infectious or it runs in the family. They believe in preventing the disease rather than curing it. General practitioner guides you on making the right health choices to keep you and your family healthy, free from illnesses.

Once you have an appointment with your family doctor or any other general practitioner, make sure –
  • You don’t have any kind of hesitation in talking to doctor and comfortably making the health queries
  • Doctor should answer all your health related questions, so that you have no doubt for the concerned illness or disease
  • Physician should explain the things in a manner that you are clear with all your doubts
  • Doctor gives you enough time to ask the questions

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Pain in ear – know the causes

Ear Infection can cause Pain

Ear pain is due to any kind of infection or condition within the ear, the ear canal or affecting the pinna. Allergy and deposition of wax in the ear also leads to ear pain. In some cases the pain is mild, while some people may experience throbbing and stabbing pain that comes and goes or is constant. Ear pain always causes lot of discomfort and result in headache and pain in jaw.

Causes of ear pain

Otitis media

– It is an infection of the middle ear, more likely to occur in children and can also occur in adults. Patient suffers from ear pain, which increases in night. Ear infection is caused when Eustachian tube is clogged and fails to drain unwanted fluid and debris from the ear. When Eustachian tube is blocked, bacteria and other germs are trapped inside the ear, which causes ear infection.

Otitis externa

(swimmer’s ear) – It is an Inflammation of the external ear canal (tube between the outer ear and eardrum). Repeated exposure to water leads to redness and swelling in ear canal. Symptoms of otitis externa infection include severe or moderate ear pain, pus discharge from ear and temporary hearing loss.


– It is a substance produced by sebaceous glands inside the ear. When there is too much production of earwax, it can block the ear and cause pain and hearing loss. Overproduction of wax is due to repeated ear infection, hair in ear canals and flaky skin near the ear.
Ruptured ear drum
– Another common cause of pain in ear is ruptured ear drum. Several factors such as a loud sustained noise, a direct injury form cotton swab and other objects inserted in the ear and barotrauma (caused by scuba diving or flying on an airplane) are responsible for ruptured ear drum.


– The pain in ear is caused due to infection of tissue that surrounds the cartilage of the outer ear. Perichondritis is caused by trauma to the outer ear.
If you experience a consistent ear pain, consult the ENT doctor. They diagnose the cause of pain and accordingly prescribe the medications and ear drops. If the infection is severe, incision and drainage may be required to treat the pus in ear.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Medecure – Here every health related query has an answer

Mahatma Gandhi once said,” It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver”. Medecure firmly believes in what the Father of the Nation said. Started with the aim of serving the society, we have come a long way. Not only we are acting as a health information service provider but we also act as a mediator connecting patient with the best doctors for their different ailments.

Our online health portal enables you to find doctors, get details and information about various diseases and disorders and even talk to the doctors online. You could even drop your health queries which would be answered by the doctors themselves.

We offer an array of online and offline services enabling the consumer to get the best service in healthcare. Our service team is there for you 24X7 providing you with not only information about the best Doctors in your area but also arrange and fix up the appointments. But our work does not end there. After your every visit, we give you a call to have your feedback so that we could know about your experience and have your valuable suggestions to make our services better.

We have engaged some of the finest talents in the industry to develop such applications which are error proof so that information you get is up to date and accurate. With a database of around 11000 Doctors of different specialties, we are able to cater to the medical needs for almost every type of health issue and problem.
With such a host of services for the customers, and much more in the pipeline, Medecure is committed to serve the people for all their health related ailments. 
Call us on : 91-022-30912345 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Remedies for Menopause Treatment

It is a natural process that woman’s reproductive life ends after the age 45. This condition is known as menopause. It is accompanied with some bothersome symptoms such as vaginal dryness, night sweats, hot flashes, anxiety, mood swings, and sleep difficulty. One can get relief from menopause symptoms by natural treatments. But if self-care and natural methods fails to solve the problem, consult the doctor for menopause treatment.

Diet plays an important role in controlling the symptoms of menopause. Include grains, wheat, oats, brown rice, tofu, cashews, almonds, fresh fruits and vegetable in your diet. Try to avoid foods containing high amounts of caffeine and carbonated beverages that contain phosphorous. Reduce the consumption of non-vegetarian foods like pork and beef as they are rich in saturated fats, which decreases the body’s metabolize estrogen.

Certain vitamins and minerals also help to ease the symptoms of menopause. Vitamin E is effective in reducing hot flashes and night sweats. According to a research, it is found the red isoflavone supplements are very effective in reducing the menopause symptoms like hot flashes night sweats etc.

Discomforts associated with vagina can be reduced by non-hormonal options. Apply vaginal moisturizing agents to get relief from vaginal dryness. Use lubricants during the intercourse. Ask the healthcare professionals for some safe non-hormonal options.

Involve more in physical activities and exercises so that you get tired as it helps to solve the problem of insomnia. Once the body is tired, it needs rest and you can have sound and comfortable sleep at night. Apart from that, exercise also has other benefits like it fewer mood swings, lower the cholesterol and makes the bones strong. Avoid drinking alcohol in evening.

Hormone therapy also referred as hormone replacement therapy (HRT) or postmenopausal hormone therapy is also a part of menopause treatment. It is available in transdermal form (patch and spray) and oral pills. Endocrinology doctors perform the hormone therapy to control the menopause symptoms like vaginal dryness, hot flashes, night sweats, sleep difficulty and anxiety. As few risks are involved in hormone therapy, consult the endocrinology doctors to prevent them.

Remedies for menopause treatment can be medical or non medical. If natural methods for menstrual treatment fail to reduce the symptoms of menopause, consult the doctor.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Diabetes diet chart for controlling diabetes

Diabetes is on rise now days, affecting millions of people worldwide. Most of the cases are preventable with diabetes diet - condition can be reversed with healthy lifestyle and diet. Eating right foods along with diabetes treatment can help to prevent the complications that are developed due to diabetes. Consult the diabetology doctor if you are at risk of diabetes or having diabetes.
Diet plays an important role in controlling the disease. The diabetes diet is suggested by diabetology doctor to maintain ideal body weight by providing adequate nutrition and maintain normal glucose levels in blood. Diabetic diet is planned according to patient’s weight, age, sex, physical activity and type of diabetes he/she is suffering from.

During the diabetes treatment, diabetology doctor plan a diet chart for the patient, which consist of amount of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and fiber to included in diet. Diabetics have to take special care while making food choices, as it directly affects the level of glucose in blood.

Diabetic diet should be loaded with following vegetables –
  • Bitter gourd – This vegetable is highly beneficial in controlling diabetes. Bitter gourd contains a high amount of plant insulin, which lowers the blood sugar levels.
  • Indian blackberry – This fruit contains glucoside, which prevents the conversion of starch into sugars.
  • Fenugreek – It is very effective in controlling the blood glucose levels.
  • Garlic – As garlic is rich in potassium, it is very effective in reducing the blood sugar levels.
  • Flaxseed – It is a source of omega 3 fatty acids that helps to control the diabetes.
  • Onion – Onion contains diuretic and digestive properties, which help to fight against diabetes.
Fruits and vegetable rich in fiber – Apples, kidney beans, soya bean, and oatmeal should be included in diabetes diet as it contains soluble fiber, which are very effective in controlling diabetes.

Cinnamon solution – Water extracts of cinnamon are effective in reducing cholesterol and promoting glucose metabolism.

Healthy eating can be very beneficial in controlling diabetes. A diabetology doctor always plans a diabetic diet chart by taking in account patient’s weight, lifestyle, age, sex and other health problems.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Skin care procedures by Skin Care Specialists

Skin care specialists are specialized in treating the facial skin to improve its appearance. They are also known as esthetician, who uses a variety of products and techniques to maintain and enhance the appearance of a person.

Skin specialist helps the people to maintain a good health of their skin. They guide the person for proper cleaning of face and moisturize their faces.  The skin specialists perform chemical peels, facials and extract blackheads from the skin.  They also provide facial massages and give instructions on how to apply makeup effectively and remove unwanted hair.

Skin care specialists treat the several skin ailments such as psoriasis and deals with the problem of warts and acne. They are also specialized in enhancing your facial appearance by using the products such as lotions and creams to tighten and rejuvenate the skin.

A skin care specialist uses variety of skin care products and techniques to give an attractive appearance to the people. The main work of a skin care specialist is to –
  • Analyze customer’s skin care needs
  • Discuss products and treatments for the skin
  • Perform facials to clear the pores and improve skin tone
  • Perform simple extractions for the removal of blackheads
  • Use chemical peels to reduce age spots and fine lines
  • Remove unwanted facial hair
  • Give instructions on makeup techniques and skin care
  • Facial massages
When to see a skin specialist
Consult a skin specialist for the skin conditions such as –
  • Mild acne
  • Non-inflammatory breakouts and blackheads
  • Mild inflammatory acne
You can also consult the skin specialist if you need help in choosing skin care products. They also recommend regular facials to keep the pores clear.
Consult the skin care specialists if you wish to enhance and improve your skin tone. Ask a doctor specialized in skin care to boost your self esteem by improving your facial appearance.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Root Canal Treatment for Decayed Tooth

Root canal treatment (RCT) is performed by dentists to save and repair the decayed tooth whose nerve is abscessed. It is the best way to retain the original tooth, which is infected badly. Dentists recommends for root canal treatment, when the internal structures of the tooth are damaged. Once the decayed tooth is treated, it functions just as healthy tooth.

The tooth becomes abscessed, when bacteria invade the tooth. It attacks the pulp and makes it infected. Due to deep decay, acrack and trauma to tooth, its nerve and pulp become inflamed, irritated and infected. When infection spread down to root canal, patient my experience severe pain with high sensitivity to cold and hot fluids and foods. Later on, the bone also gets infected and breaks down. In such a condition, ligament that supports the tooth swells and loosen the tooth.

Once the infection spreads and reaches the roots of the teeth, abscess occurs. Infection also develops other complications such as -
  • Swelling that spread to face, neck or head
  • Bone loss around the tip of the root

If you experience the following symptoms, it means your tooth needs the root canal treatment -
  • Severe toothache when you chew or apply pressure on the tooth
  • Prolonged sensitivity to cold or hot foods
  • Swelling and tenderness in the nearby gums
  • Affected tooth becomes dark in color

Procedure of root canal treatment (RCT)
During the root canal treatment, dentists first clean the root canal and remove the infected pulp. Once the canals are thoroughly cleaned and infection free, they are filled with the material. Since the treated tooth is weak, cap is cemented on the tooth to protect it.
If the infection has reached the roots, dentists repair the tooth with root canal treatment. ask a doctor for painkillers if you experience any pain after the treatment.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Beauty treatments by Cosmetologist

Several beauty treatments are given cosmetologist to improve the skin texture, leaving your skin flawless and full glow. Find a doctor specialized in beauty treatments to fight back the sign of aging

Laser resurfacing – Also known as lasabrasion, laser vaporization and laser peel, is a beauty treatment used to reduce the facial fine wrinkles, warts, birthmarks, enlarged oil glands on nose and skin abnormalities like acne scars and blemishes. In this technique, skin care doctors use beams of light to vaporize superficial, damaged cells and skin to give a flawless skin.

BotoxCosmetologist gives the botox treatment to relax the tiny facial muscles that forms expression lines. It is a safe beauty treatment to make your skin smooth and unwrinkled and make you look younger.  Fight against anti-aging problems with botox treatment.

Microdermabrasion – It is an exfoliation treatment to remove the outermost layer of dead skin cell from epidermis. It is one of the easiest and effective anti-aging treatments. This beauty treatment is used to remove the moles, small scars, fine wrinkles, tattoo, reduce superficial hyper-pigmentation and decrease pore size.

Plastic surgery – The surgical procedure is used to reshape and correct the forms and functions. Plastic surgery is categorized as reconstructive plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery. Reconstructive plastic surgery is performed to improve the function. Cosmetic surgeries like liposuction, eyelid surgery, breast augmentation, female breast reduction, abdominoplasty, gynecomastia, labiaplasty are done to enhance the aesthetic appearance of a person.

Skin Lift – This beauty treatment is given by cosmetologist to tighten the sagging skin on neck, face and parts of the body. A surgery is performed to tighten the skin and give you a younger looking skin.

Consult the cosmetologist for the beauty treatments to solve the anti-aging problems and skin irregularities. Get a flawless and smooth skin by the skin care specialist. 

Monday, July 2, 2012

Heart Care by Cardiologist

Cardiovascular surgery is performed by the cardiologist to treat the heart disease like congenital heart disease, ischemic heart disease and valvular heart disease. Heart specialist identifies the heart problem by studying diagnostic images and reading electrocardiographs. Cardiologist also helps the patient’s post-recovery by prescribing medicines and advice for healthy lifestyle.

Heart Care by Cardiologist.

Heart surgeries by cardiologist
Heart specialist performs cardiac surgeries to survive your heart by diagnosing the heart problems at cardiac clinics. The cardiologist cures the damaged heart, which is adversely affected due to disease or disorders of the cardiovascular system. The surgeon do operations such as angioplasty, coronary artery bypass, transmyocardial revascularization (TMR), heart valve repair and replacement, heart transplantation, and cardiomyplasty.

Instructions by cardiologist
A heart specialist advice for heart-healthy lifestyle to prevent heart disease or stroke, as lifestyle is best defense against the heart problems.  They give the following instructions to keep the heart healthy, free from heart disease

Quit smoking – smoking causes many heart problems and worsen the condition of ailing heart. Heart specialist doctor encourages quitting smoking

Control blood cholesterol – deposition of fat in arteries can result in heart attack or stroke. Therefore, it is very important to reduce the intake of trans fat, fat and cholesterol.

Healthy diet – fight the cardiovascular disease by having healthy diet. Always go for foods rich in nutrients like vitamins, fibers, minerals and are lower in calories.

Physical activity – involve more in physical actives to reduce the risks of heart diseases. Thirty minutes physical activity each day can lower the level of cholesterol and blood pressure.

Lower high blood pressure – it is very important to control the high blood pressure to keep the heart healthy.

Cardiologist performs the cardiac surgery like TMR, heart transplantation, angioplasty, coronary bypass surgery etc. for the survival of patient’s heart. They give all the cardiology care at the cardiac clinics and also help patients post-recovery by medication and recommending diet chart plan.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Role of Cardiac Surgeon

Cardiac Surgeon is a medical specialist who performs the surgery on the heart or the great vessels.   They diagnose heart issues and disorders by using the medical equipments. By reading electrocardiographs and studying diagnostic images, cardiac surgeon identifies the problem in heart and accordingly performs the cardiac surgery. They also perform surgery on the blood vessels in the body.  Healthcare Specialists in cardiology helps the patients post-recovery such as provide diet chart and prescribes the medicines.

Several cardiac surgeries are performed to survive your heart by diagnosing the heart problems and diseases. Cardiac surgery helps the patient to improve the quality of live and improve the chances of survival by treating the ailing heart. Cardiac Surgeon performs the cardiac surgery to :

  • Widen the narrowed or blocked arteries to the heart
  • Replace the diseased heart valve with healthy valve
  • Treat aneurysms in the aorta
  • Destroy some tissues that interrupt the electrical flow through the heart
  • Implant devices (cardiac pacemaker or an implantable cardioverter defibrillator) to regulate heart rhythms
  • Make channels in the heart muscle and allow blood from a heart chamber directly into the heart muscle
  • Replace the diseases or damaged heart with a healthy heart from donor ( Heart Transplantation )
  • Surgical treatment of artery problems

The cardiac surgeon performs several types of cardiac surgeries to repair the damaged heart caused by disease or disorders of the cardiovascular system. They perform operations such as coronary artery bypass, heart valve repair and replacement, transmyocardial revascularization (TMR), aneurysm repair, heart transplantation, angioplasty, and cardiomyplasty.

Cardiac surgeon performs the cardiac surgery like heart transplantation, angioplasty, bypass surgery etc. for the survival of patient’s heart. They also help patients post-recovery by prescribing medicines such as pain killers and giving diet chart plan.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Role of Anesthesiologists

Anesthesiologists are physicians trained in anesthesia and preoperative medicine. They are the anesthesia specialist who has successfully completed a training program in anesthesiology. They have acquired the skills and knowledge of delivering anesthesia during their training period.

The physicians who are expert in anesthesiology have complete knowledge of medications, medical care disease and how body responds to the stress of surgical operation. Anesthesiologists are specialized in administering the anesthesia directly or as part of an anesthesia team (anesthesiologist assistants or nurse anesthesia).

Role of Anesthesiology Doctors
Anesthesiologists offer medical care to the patients during the surgical procedure. They are responsible for the safe delivery of anesthesia to patients in medical care settings, which include :

  • Evaluation before the surgery
  • Consult with surgical team
  • Airway management
  • Plans for the anesthesia given to patients
  • Provides life support
  • Provide relief form pain before, during and after the surgical procedure
  • Examining patient to determine the type of anesthetic required
Anesthesiologists discuss relevant information with appropriate medical practitioners. They are responsible for recording the amount and type of anesthesia given. Anesthesiology doctors are also responsible for controlling the patient’s blood pressure, heart rate, breathing and body temperature through continuous monitoring and assessment during the surgical procedure.
If patients have any kind of doubts regarding the anesthetic care, they can ask a doctor who is specialist in anesthesiology. He will provide complete information on benefits, advantages and side effects of anesthesia.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Ask a Doctor directly on Medecure

MedeCure is a medical portal, which provides an excellent opportunity for the common masses to ask a doctor and healthcare professionals their health-related questions. The experienced medical staff will solve all your queries and give proper information on any of the health issues. They will guide you with most appropriate method of tests, treatments and medications for a particular disease.

What to ask a doctor?
You can make any queries related to your health. Healthcare Professionals will guide you with most appropriate ways of solving the health problems. Choose for any of the specialist from the medical doctors list on our portal as per their specialty and condition they deal with.

Ask a Doctor for the right type of treatment for the disease. They will suggest you with most appropriate treatment after studying the condition of disease you are having. Attach all your medical reports along with your query to know the best treatment method for disease.

People can ask a doctor for the disease they are suffering from by telling about the signs and symptoms they have examined. Through the Q/A option on the Medecure, patients can post the symptoms which they have examined on their body, so as to know about the type of disease they are suffering from.

Certain disease cannot be identified until they are diagnosed through tests. You can seek advice of healthcare professionals if there is any kind of doubt related to the medical tests such as its side effects, cost etc.

Drugs and Medication
Consult any of the specialists from medical doctors list if you experience an adverse reaction to the medication prescribed by a doctor who is treating you. Brief the doctor about your diseases and the problems you are facing by taking a medicine. Healthcare specialist will accordingly solve your problem and guide you with medications.

Healthcare Specialist listed in medical doctors list of Medecure are expert in their area of practice and are renowned for the successful treatment of disease. Apart from asking the health related questions, you can also request an appointment with a particular physician and healthcare professional. Make yourself comfortable and clear all your doubts related to treatment, medication and tests.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Doctors Directory on Medecure

Are you looking for doctors with medical specialty? Find a doctor listed in doctors directory on Medecure, according to your medical need and requirements. It is one of the most reliable e-clinic that provides you with some of the renowned specialist doctors in India included in doctors directory.

Advantages of Doctors Directory
Directory of doctors is very helpful for the people who are searching for the specialist doctors in India. They can easily search for a doctor without wasting much time and energy. Moreover, doctors and healthcare specialist listed in Medecure have gained lot of experience in their field and have practicing since many years. People can easily find a doctor either by the specialty or according to the disease.

Benefits for the patients
Medecure makes your searchability for medical help easier and cost effective.  Find a doctor, listed in the doctors directory as per your requirement. It is a platform where you can :

  • Fix an appointment with specialist doctors in India
  • Get detailed information on causes, symptoms, treatment and diagnoses of a particular disease.
  • Ask health related queries directly from doctors.
  • Search doctor as per the geographical area.
  • Get complete information on doctor’s area of practice and their specialty.
  • Find the local clinic.
  • Search for a healthcare specialist as per your health condition.

Why Medecure?
Medecure acts as an e-clinic, which have list of the specialist doctors in India who are board certified and licensed physicians. We provide complete information about doctor’s specialty, years of practicing and the medical conditions in which he is expertise. Along with that we also provide info on their educational background. Medecure only has a list of doctors in the doctors directory who have met certain training requirements and have passed specialty examination. You will only find a doctor on Medecure those who have successfully treated the patients along with regular follow-ups.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Support of Medical Consultants

Medical Consultants meet the health care needs of thousands of people. They are the people who have earlier worked either as a healthcare specialist or a doctor. The medical consultants guide and advice you with the most appropriate healthcare methods and treatment. Not only that, they also provide you with unbiased opinion on medical facilities.

How do medical consultants help?

  • Team of medical consultants provides the medical advice, best suiting the needs and requirement of a person.  They acknowledge you with the medical facts and procedures. Apart from that they also act as an advisor to the healthcare community, providing information tailored to meet their needs. 
  • The consultant ensures that medical facts are accurate and suggest for the changes if required. They can also be consulted regarding the plan or review of an advertisement for the medical facilities or products. They check the accuracy and ensure that ad targets the right audience.
  • The healthcare consultants help the medical groups to recruit new physicians. Some consultants guide the doctors regarding licensing, real estate matters and zoning to set up their own practices.
  • Medical consultants offer more transparency in every step that is taken in the healthcare. They review your procedure, billing, dosages etc., and inform if there is any shortcomings in the treatment procedure. 
  • Consultants in medical field help to establish a new hospital and other medical facilities. They give suggestion on planning new wings of existing buildings for hospitals. The team of healthcare consultant acts as an engineers, architects and medical professionals to meet the needs and requirements of the hospital.
  • Healthcare consultants give the medical reviews to ensure a good quality of care and avoid costly lawsuits. They provide accurate value of medical practices. 
  • Team of healthcare consultants advices the people on financial matters related to healthcare. They are invaluable tool for the healthcare facilities.

Medecure is the right platform, where you will find some of the renowned medical consultants. It facilitates in fixing an appointment with the consultants. Share your healthcare issues and problems with them to seek the right advice and guidance.